First the Versatile Blogger Award
Here are the requirements for the Versatile Blogger award:
1. and 2. Thank the blogger who nominated you and include a link to their site.
Thank you Holly at Fourth Grade Flipper!
3. Include the image award on your blog. (see above)
4. Give 7 random facts about yourself.
I love to make my own jewelry!
I was born in Southern California and I moved back 6 years ago!
I love to read!
My favorite food is cheesecake!
My husband and I met in college and will have been together 15 years in December.
I am the oldest of 5 children.
My favorite color is purple!
5. and 6. Nominate other blogs for the award and include a link to their site.
- Stephanie at Fifth Grade Dugout
- Amanda at Surviving the First Year
Done and DONE!!!
My Second Award...the Liebster Blogger Award
This award is named for the German word "Liebster," which translates to "beloved" or "favourite", and is given to "new, up and coming blogger."
Here are the rules:
1. Link back to the person who gave it to you
Thank you again to Holly at Fourth Grade Flipper!!!
2. Post the award to your blog.
See the beautiful award above!
3. Give the award to at least 5 bloggers with less than 200 followers
- Sally at Miss Nguyen's Class
- Meridith at Frogs and First Graders
- Amber at Sparkles, Smiles and Student Teaching
- Stephanie at Fifth Grade Dugout
- Amanda at Surviving the First Year
I'm so proud! *blushing*
Now to linking up with Farley at O'Boy 4th Grade for the August Currently!
I can't believe it's August already!!!!! Woohoo!
Now off to bed for me...